Ejaculation Problems
Early (“premature”) ejaculation means that you have not yet learnt to control the ‘point of inevitability’ – the sign that tells you that you are about to orgasm. As a result, you might ejaculate before penetration, or soon afterwards, which may leave you and your partner frustrated. Sex therapy helps you to learn how to identify your ‘point of inevitability’ and manage your sexual excitement so that you have more control over when you ejaculate, and have a more satisfying sexual relationship.
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The following article on Netdoctor – How To Delay Ejaculation – featuring our Director Krystal Woodbridge – might be helpful.
Delayed ejaculation is a medical condition in which you cannot ejaculate, either during intercourse or by manual stimulation with a partner. Most men ejaculate within a few minutes of starting to thrust during intercourse. However if you have delayed ejaculation you may be unable to ejaculate (for example, during intercourse), or may only be able to ejaculate with great effort after having intercourse for a long time (for example, 30 to 45 minutes). Delayed ejaculation can have psychological or physical causes. Some medication can also interfere with ejaculation. Sex therapy is helpful when medical causes have been ruled out to help you to change this. Sessions can be individual or with your partner.
Retrograde ejaculation is a condition that occurs when semen enters the bladder instead of going out through the urethra during ejaculation. The main reason for retrograde ejaculation is that the bladder neck does not close. This causes semen to go backwards into the bladder rather than forward out of the penis. Retrograde ejaculation may also be caused by medical conditions such as diabetes, surgery to the prostate and medications. Injury can also cause retrograde ejaculation. You might notice that there is little semen on orgasm and that your urine is cloudy. Treatment is by stopping any medication that may be causing this.
While treatment is mainly medical for this condition, psychological support and sex therapy can be beneficial for you and your partner.